Thursday, December 10, 2009


  1. 100 Facts on
  2. Argentina
    globe trotters club
  3. Amazing Animals of the
    World past and present
  4. 100 things you should
    know about
    Dogs and Puppies
  5. 100 things you should
    know about
    World Wonders
  6. Earth
  7. Biggest Ever Book Of
    Questions & Answers
  8. WHY? WHY? WHY?
  9. The Usborne World Of
  10. Guide To The Oceans
  11. Where Do Babies Come From?

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kidsbookwagon is an online book rental library which functions exclusively for kids.

Reading books becomes easy at kidsbookwagon , as the books reach your doorstep rather than you spending your time, energy and money to reach a bookstore or library.

PS: The Reading age mentioned for the books are mere guidelines. Reading Level is a very subjective topic and may vary with the interests of a child at that particular age.
So it may happen that your child enjoys reading books for a younger or older age group. Whatever the case maybe, we hope your child will have a wonderful ride in the kidsbookwagon.